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6th Nordic-Baltic-Dutch Bariatric Meeting

Date, time
Wed, Jun 15 2022, 18:00 - Fri, Jun 17 2022, 14:00
Radisson Blu Lietuva, Vilnius (Konstitutcijos pr. 20)
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Welcome reception
(For Accompanying Person)
Gala dinner
(For Accompanying Person)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

To plan a scientific meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenging task. The organising committee had to postpone the dates of the 6th biannual Nordic-Baltic-Dutch bariatric meeting at least twice and now we hope to see you all on June 15-17th, 2022 in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. This is the first time in the history of these meetings that we will invite our Scandinavian and Dutch colleagues to visit one of the Baltic countries. During the period of thirty years after separation from Soviet Union, Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) became modern, progressive societies highly dependent on innovation and science. This could be illustrated by the fact that one of the major sponsors of our meeting together with the industry will be Vilnius city municipality. The conference venue is located in the very centre of Vilnius, modern and vibrant city, with rich history, UNESCO World Heritage listed Old Town, quaint cobblestone streets and luscious parks. The program of the meeting will include keynote lectures of the experts from our region and beyond, eHealth and young scientist session, reports from National Registry studies and extensive networking which has become an essential watermark of these meetings. Join us and participate in the discussions, accumulate and share knowledge in the atmosphere of openness, and experience Lithuanian hospitality.

Prof. Almantas Maleckas
On behalf of the Organizing Committee

You can find the event’s program here: Download the program
Meeting Secretariat | CREATIVA +370 60378930
Welcome reception
(For Accompanying Person)
Gala dinner
(For Accompanying Person)