Clinical Application of Stem Cells in Kidney Transplantation and Nephrology
Dear Colleagues,
You are welcome to register to the international seminar “Clinical Application of Stem Cells in Kidney Transplantation and Nephrology”, which will take place in Radisson Hotel Kaunas, K. Donelaicio St. 27, Kaunas, on 19th of October, 2023.
The seminar is intended for medical doctors of all professional qualifications, biomedical technologists, advanced practice pharmacists, pharmacists, pharmacotechnicians, medical biologists, medical geneticists, veterinarians.
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association
Registration deadline – 15th of October, 2023.
5-hour certificates will be issued for all seminar participants. Certificates will be sent by email by November 1st.
Prof. Petra Reinke, Berlin, Germany (short biography)
Prof. Ryuichi Nishinakamura, Kumamoto, Japan (short biography)
Prof. Paul Harden, Oxford, United Kingdom (short biography)
*LNDTA – Lietuvos nefrologijos, dializės ir transplantacijos asociacija (Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association)
**LKLTA – Lietuvos kamieninių ląstelių tyrėjų asociacija (Lithuanian Society for Stem Cell Research)